Welcome to the Open Contracting Portal of the Government of Lagos State

A commitment to Open Governance and Open Contracting Partnerships.

Free public access to open & free public procurement data/records.
Please read the Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication and License (PDDL) v1.0
The Portal is developed for the use of the General Public.
Highlights of some public procurement projects

Lagos State is committed to transparent execution of public works, goods and services.

Value for money in procurement

Open contracting data helps the Lagos State Government to get good value for money on the goods and services in the procurement process, and also helps in identifying whether value for money has been achieved in concluded contracts.

Detecting fraud and corruption

All stakeholders (civil society, the private sector, government and donors) have an interest in identifying and combating corruption in public contracting & we are fully committed stamping out corruption from public procurement exercises in Lagos State.

Monitoring Service Delivery

Monitoring groups want to ensure that public contracting delivers value to citizens in terms of quality of goods, works, and services provided & we are also committed to ensuring that every contracting activity is in accordance with the Appropriation Law of Lagos State.